valley of the kings egypt

The depression of the Kings in city in Egypt was once a part of the traditional Egyptian town of Thebes.
From the Eighteenth Dynasty to the Twentieth, the pharaohs of Egypt have covered in the Valley of the Kings. Today, guests run to see the horde of old tombs cut into the limestone of the Valley of the Kings, for the most part contained in its eastern valley.

Eighteenth Dynasty tombs incorporate those of Amenhotep III (in the west valley), Hatshepsut, Thutmose III and Thutmose IV. Probably the most celebrated figures of Ancient Egypt are covered at the Valley of the Kings, including the kid ruler Tutankhamun, Ramses the Great, Ramesses IV and Tuthmosis III. So you should visit the beautiful cities in Egypt and you should enjoy the most beautiful attractions. So visit
The Valley of the Kings has just about thirty tombs in all and, together with the different survives from Thebes, shapes some portion of an UNESCO World Heritage site. So visit the beautiful attraction.

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